Each athlete has their own pathway, but all athletes require support in their journey. Our services are designed to assist all athletes irrespective of what stage of the journey they are at, their capabilities, personal needs and requirements. Striv3 offers 3 standard packages to assist the athlete and a composite package allowing the athlete to ‘pick and choose’ those services best suited to their situation.
The individual components of the service offering are:
Athletic assessment
Do we think you are good enough?Academic and amateurism assessment
Will the NCAA allow you to compete?Financial/Athletic aid assessment
How much aid can respective institutions potentially provide you with?
Striv3 sessions
• Your individual timeline from now until US entry
• Initial strategy meeting
• Introduction with tutors
• Collecting of raw footage
• Confirmation of highlight video
• NCAA Eligibility registration
• Tools to talk with coaches
NCAA Eligibility Guidance
• Guidance through the ins and outs of NCAA academic and amateurism rules and regulations
• SAT Tutoring
• Academic assistance for US standardised test (SAT)
Striv3 Profile (video editing and profile building)• Professional video editing: Striv3 will take your raw full game footage and produce a top-quality, master evaluation video demonstrating your abilities, which may include: skills demonstrations, show-case drills and evaluations, game or other competition footage, as well as graphics & background music to enhance visual effects of the video
• Athletic and academic portfolio building: Striv3 will build a to-the-point profile which encompasses you as a player, person and potential candidate for the schools we showcase you to
• Assessment of potential level of play: Striv3 takes the time to understand your abilities and where they fit in the US system. It is the backbone of our honest and realistic support, we target the schools we think you can play at, making the process more efficient and increasing the likelihood of offers
Selecting your university
• Review of offers: Striv3 won’t make the decision for you, but we will provide as much information as we can on your potential offers so that you can make an informed decision on your college choice
• Negotiation of aid package: Athletic, Academic, Medical insurance, Tuition: Understanding what you are getting out of each offer ensures there are no mishaps, our first hand, recent experience is crucial to help you navigate the administrative side of your journey
• Verbal Commitment to University: Communicating with the respective coaches of your chosen program that you have chosen to join their program for your college journey
• Proofing of NLI: Sighting and understanding that which was agreed upon in your offer is visible in your National Letter of Intent
• Written Commitment to University: Signing and sending your NLI (National Letter of Intent) to University
Pre – entry plan
• Adjustment of training regime: Altering practice and training routines to fit your program of choice specifically to suit US programs specific style
• Travel support: maximise travel plans to ensure adequate time to adjust into your new college environment
• Visa advice: understanding which Visa best suits your university and study plans
• Insurance confirmation: What your scholarships covers and what it doesn’t, student medical insurance and travel insurance
Ongoing support
• Regularly scheduled skype calls with U.S. based athlete: Preseason, First games, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break
• Parent meetings: pre, during and post season
• FREE Transfer Insurance (if needed and criteria meet)
• Sport: Coaching and mentoring as part of the transition to the professional sporting environment
• Giving you the skills to prepare for this: Seminars, Podcasts, training etc.
• Education including: professional contract readingEducation including: professional contract reading
• Through Matrx1 and O2Talent we assist with preparing to enter the workforce
• CV writing, interview techniques, positioning in the market, networking, search and recruitment advice
Get started with STRIV3, today.
Interested in seeing how the Striv3 team can help you get to the United States? Fill in our contact form and we’ll be in touch for a free consultation.